Monday 30 July 2012


Below are 5 of the best habits an ideal potential home seller possesses... together they make an interesting read!

1. They are Realistic
No price comparisons with neighbor's homes. No regrets. Such people trust the market dynamics and economic conditions and sell off their property at the best price offered. 
2. They are always open to Feedback
If they hire an estate agent, they tend to trust their judgement and respond to feedback. Whether they like it or not, they listen!
3. Street smart!
A general exposure to the outside world, a little background reading about real estate updates and voila! A sure-shot guarantee of fact that no one can ever cheat you!
4. Reason is all you need!
Not only are they reasonable about the price, they are reasonable and practical about other repair requests too! This doesn't mean they bow down to every single request...but one must always be a little considerate.
5. If you don't ask, you don't get!
Ask as many questions as you like. Get rid of all your apprehensions and doubts. Don't strike the deal till you are 100% sure about the terms and conditions.


  1. Also one point is to be open to people who come to see the house. Once we had a bad experience when we wanted to rent a flat and the owner very rudely said to come the next day.
    We never went back but the point is this rudeness shouldn't be there.

  2. Yes Kishen, you are absolutely right! :)
    Thank you for your valuable comment!

    Property News Ahmedabad
