Friday 7 September 2012


After the 7.7 intraplate earthquake on 26th January 2001, whose shock waves spread 700 km to 21 districts killing more than 20,000 and leaving 600,000 people homeless, Gujarat is yet to overcome the fear associated with the term ‘Earthquake’.

Till today, even the slightest tremor is enough to trigger panic in our minds… till today; people are reluctant about purchasing flats in high rise buildings fearing the risk of earthquakes.

The fact is the myth that ‘all tall towers crash down during earthquakes’ is not true. A lot lies in the foundation and construction quality too… like some building collapse without earthquakes while some resist major earthquakes.
With new townships and constructions coming up in abundance, the first fear which comes to one’s mind is the fear of the building collapsing.

The fact is, there is no reason to panic…The rumbling of the earth happens innumerable times frequently, but major tremors happen rarely.

However, a little knowledge and basic precautionary measures about earthquakes can increase chances of survival.

As far as real estate developers and builders are concerned, no one can avoid the wrath of Mother Nature…but one can certainly minimize damage by designing the structure with more escapes and not using substandard material...  

Safety actions before the earthquake:

     1. Most earthquakes occur instantly, thus evacuation / rescue plans must be made in   advance.
     2. Safety measures like installing sturdy latches on cupboards, bolting bookcases to wall studs and strapping water heater and other machineries to wall studs can be opted.
     3. Eliminate hazardous materials like unsecure electrical connections or breakable objects around your home.
     4. Always store a bag full of commodities like canned foods, first aid kits, water and flashlights in a suitable place. This can come handy for sudden escapes.
     5. Install a fire alarm in the house. This can alert people and save many lives.
     6. Avoid having a swimming pool or a large water tank on your terrace as this can pose a grave danger by misbalancing the water density during an earthquake.
     7. Most importantly, attach all the large furniture of your home to the walls so as to avoid their collapse.

Safety actions during an earthquake:

There is little one can do during an earth quake. We’ve heard it before and we keep hearing it still… If indoors during rush to a safer place and duck down under sturdy furniture, table or any strong point of the home where there are less chances of a collapse. 

Turn off the stove and other electrical appliances and seek safety.

If outdoors, rush to a spot which is away from buildings, trees and power cables.
Remember; always opt for a trusted construction company and do your homework about the particular builder’s projects. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry!

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