Friday 19 October 2012


When a buyer walks into your house, the first few seconds are enough for him to decide whether he really wants to buy it or not.

…because the first impression is the last impression!

Like it is fondly and widely said for ‘food’…people eat with their eyes first; the same stands true in the case of a house too! If it doesn't appeal to the eye, you might as well forget about it.

While it can be understood that no house can be perfect, it is not impossible to try and achieve near perfection…or at least, to make a house look appealing and alluring.

Have you every toured another home? What was your very first thought … negative or positive? Mostly negative…because people tend to notice the glass half empty first.

In the same way, people tend to note the downside of your property first…does the house smell good? Is it lit up well? Are there any pet remains?

I’m sure most you must not have given this a thought.

When we purchase a home for ourselves, we put in all our time and energy in decorating it. Then why are we so careless when it comes to maintenance?

Here are a couple of things which are guaranteed to turn off not only visitors and relatives but also potential buyers or renters… These are simple things… if taken care of regularly; your house will remain good as new for a longer time.

Remember, after shopping around for the lowest mortgage rates, people tend to walk away from a house they like because it needs a few minor repairs… why give them that chance?! Keeping clean is one thing and keeping ‘in good shape’ is another…

    1.Paint – There is nothing more disgusting than watching peeling, cracking, and ‘moisturized’ paint on the wall of the house you want to buy! It’s really not that expensive today…you can use your artistic side and give your house a makeover using brand new paint. Not only will it look great, it will also make your house look ‘younger’! 

    2.Wallpaper – Just because your great great grandmother had hand-picked the wallpaper in your drawing room, it does not need to be there for centuries…that’s not classic, that’s ancient!!! Wallpapers and tapestries get outdated and should be changed regularly… remember, wallpapers just don’t stick to walls to make them look pretty...they also give your house and ‘ambience’! 

     3.Cabinets and Showcases – Cabinets and showcases highlight your most priced items. It would be a good idea to highlight them too! It is always a great idea to paint and re-paint showcase borders or cabinets every few months to keep them looking good as new. Using neutral colors is a great option if you do not wish to spend a lot of money…

     4.Unfashionable / Outdated furniture – There is a thin line between fashion and bizarrely crazy; and that line mustn't be crossed! Ancient stuff looks cool as long as its placed aesthetically.. or the house is of a particular theme… otherwise it is nothing short of an eye-sore. Period. 

     5.Windows and Doors – Windows and doors are probably the first things people notice when they enter a room. They must be well maintained and well painted at all times. Glasses which are broken or cracked should be replaced immediately. It is windows and doors that are responsible for lighting up or keeping the house in the dark. Be careful about choosing good curtains and drapes too! 

1 comment:

  1. Gee, nice article, but I thought that this was going to incorporate Feng Shui also.... :)
