Saturday 6 October 2012


The approximate size of an average house is around 500 square feet. Sounds small? It is!Imagine, if you were given about 100 square feet of land, and the liberty to fit in all that you have in your house, what and how much do you think you could fit in? Would you be able to set up a fully fledged working house?

…Of course, in our country, the average home size is much smaller…with Asia’s biggest slum resting in the heart of the commercial capital of India…it doesn’t seem so farfetched! …But what about the rest of the world?

A house should have a roof, walls and a bed. If you think this should be the case too, then the following list of the world’s most amazingly smallest houses would not only intrigue you, but also prove to be a welcome visual treat!

The Smallest Houses Around The World (3)
     1.The smallest house in Toronto (Canada), was built in 1912. As with any “normal” house, it has a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. The total area is of only 28 square meters. 

   2.In the UK there is a house virtually in the same area. On the  ground floor their is only a bedroom and shower, while the   second one is – a living room and kitchen. It is assumed that    the lodge can accommodate only one person.
The Smallest Houses Around The World (4)


3.Perhaps one of the smallest houses in the world is in the United States . Its area is only 6 square meters. the house has a kitchen with refrigerator, shower and bed, located in the attic. The set comes with the house special platform-trailer for transport.

The Smallest Houses Around The World (6)


    4.This house in Tokyo is built on a small piece of land triangular in shape where the lower floor is a bedroom and bathroom on the second floor – living room, guest room and kitchen and the attic is for children. 
The Smallest Houses Around The World (9)

   5. More recently, in the heart of Moscow in one of the quiet lanes of the Old Arbat,  a luxury residential building is appeared , consisting of just 12 apartments. It should be noted that this premium apartments is with ceilings 3.4 meters and a free plan.

The Smallest Houses Around The World (13)

    6. The appearance of the smallest house in Salzburg, with a facade of half a meter in width associated with a long romantic history.Once a girl gave his boyfriend the consent to marry her, but they needed a house. The young man was very poor, but squeezed his house in the partition between two existing houses.
The Smallest Houses Around The World (5)

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